So this is a new little segment thing that i'm gonna start doing. i'm going to announce new rulings and ruling updates for people that haven't heard about them yet. so yea feel free to correct me or discuss my updates in the future (because i'm not perfect and get a few rulings wrong here and there =b)!
Before YCS Miami there was a ruling that dealt with trigger effects and chain building. it confused many people and had lots of judges talking for a long time.
As most people know, if a mandatory monster's effect is triggered while in the middle of the chain it will wait till the current chain is finished resolving before activating on a new chain. there was an OCG ruling that stated that if a monster card's trigger effect is triggered in the middle of a chain but then moved to an area that is not public knowledge before the current chain is finished resolving, then the effect will not activate and resolve.
for example: Player A discards Atlantean Dragoons and Atlantean Marksman to activate Mermail Abyssmegalo's effect to special summon itself. Normally Dragoons and Marksman's effects would activate on a separate chain, but if Player B were to chain The Transmigration Prophecy to the activation of Abyssmegalo's effect to special summon itself and target the Dragoons and Marksman then the chain would resolve, moving the Dragoons and Marksman to the deck before they would activate.
All of this changed at YCS: Miami
At YCS: Miami it was announced that returning cards to the deck before they activate their effects will not prevent the effects from activating. so in the example i posted above the effects of Dragoons and Marksman would still activate and resolve.
this adds to the continuing list of ruling conflicts that the TCG has with the OCG and has caused many to lose faith in rulings made in the TCG. I, for one, am a little upset that rulings tend to change a lot before or at major events, but what can we do? =b
I hope you enjoyed reading my first installment of my Ruling Update! please discuss and correct me if i made any mistakes! (i do that a lot =b)
Sources: Konami judge unofficial Facebook discussion group, Official Konami Judge Forum