the question is about the priority game mechanics, and the card i used was steelswarm girastag.
his effect is
"You can Tribute Summon this monster in face-up Attack Position by Tributing 1 "Steelswarm" monster. When you Tribute Summon this card with a "Steelswarm" monster as a Tribute, you can select 1 card your opponent controls and send it to the Graveyard, and gain 1000 Life Points."
if i use his effect to send a face down trap, and the trap was a torrential tribute, would my opponent be able to use it in order to destroy my girastag, or would priority allow me to send it to the grave before he can activate it.
now that i start thinking about it, its starting to seem like he would be able to but i just want to ask to make sure about everything in this situation