Well I actually Like Salvo Deck's So I guess I'll try to help out some
First thing I would say is get down a theme...atm it seems a bit random ( No Offense )
Possible idea's is a more Basic Set-up using D-alchemist, and my personal Preference..Machina's ( More Offensive Set-up here then ). Something I would note though...is I don't like 3 Salvo..as it clogs your hand alot of the time IMO. I would go down too 2 ( I use one in my Stun Deck ). Then if you go the Machina build..you can use Genex Birdman to basically proxy salvo so you have an excuse to lower his count from 3 too 2 or even 1. Basically meaning play salvo..get the usual Dekoichi, then use birdman from your hand to return salvo and you then got a option for a level 7 sync..so you can cont into a BRD play or something else and save Salvo.
Another way is the Stun Variant. This one you would want to go Breaker, Rai-Oh, Doom Cal ( Optional ), 2/3 Dekoichi, 1/2 Salvo, Gale, DAD, Veiler, Cyber, and or D.D Warrior lady ( Optional ), and go a usual M/T Lineup from there.
I would Make a few notes already mentioned though by frost. Side the D.D Crow, Add staples like Mirror//T.T and fit in 3 POD ( Would say take out Fires of Doomsday as its situational and not needed..same with Instant as I don't see the need in a Salvo Deck, and Probably even FF..as the only real target is Cyber End or Twin...chimeratech would only destroy FF and itself in a grand *Facepalm* Explosion ).
I would also lower Cyber too 2 ( Regardless of which deck you go with ). Lastly, The LS I'm not a huge fan of really..as random milling seems useless in this kinda deck; more so since you don't run POA and aside from Dekoichi and PSZ..the milling is unneccesary.
@Frost- You can call prio with Lyla..but if it get's hit by BTH for example..its mute as until her effect resolves and is switched to defense..you don't get to destroy a Spell/Trap card.