You have come to the right place
. I love frognarchs. Okay, so first off, you're correct, you need no trap staples. In fact if you find you don't like it, you don't even really need Treacherous Trap Hole (but it's good tech). Your staple spells should be here though. Like frost said, you have just a tad too many tribute monsters, but I would say only to cut it by 2, just bc there's more spells you need to run and you want a boatload of tribute monsters. And you're forgetting the most epic card available to frognarchs: light and darkness dragon! He's super easy to summon with enemy controller and treeborn. So, here are my fixes:
-2 thestalos (not really room for him)
-2 möbius (to make room for ladd. Maybe side another)
-1 jinzo (side 1 and main 1)
-3 deep sea diva (not needed)
-1 dandy (love dandy, but again, not needed here)
-1 dupe frog (it seems good I know, but also not needed)
-2 double summon (a minus and kind of a bad card really)
+2 light and darkness dragon
+1 dark dust spirit (pro, just try him)
+1 tragoedia
+1 giant trunade
+2 mystical space typhoon
+2 pot of avarice
+1 foolish burial (very important)
+1 one for one (also very important)
+1 pot of duality
- Spoiler:
thanks for trying to help him frost, but decree would completely ruin his strategy since Treebon can't be summoned