- Deck:
Here's how Six Sams should look like for the rest of the format:
Monsters 16:
3 Kageki
3 Kagemusha
3 Kizan
2 Elder
2 Grandmaster
1 Enishi
1 Spirit
1 Zanji
1 Enishi
Spells 16:
3 Dojo
3 United
3 Asceticism
2 Smoke Signal
1 Gateway
1 Reborn
1 Book
1 Storm
Traps 8:
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment
other techs:
Safe Zone, Fiendish Chain,etc.
Extra Deck 15:
1 Shi En
1 Catastor
1 Brionac
1 Black Rose
1 Nat Beast
1 Nat Bark
1 Blade Armor
1 Invoker
1 Maestroke
1 Zenmaines
1 Leviair
1 Leviathan
1 Golem
1 Shadow
1 Utopia
Other Xyzs:
Roach, Pearl,Photon Papilxsdfcxycyc,etc.
Side Deck 15:
3 Veiler
3 DPrison
2 Chalice
2 Kinetic
2 Kycoo
Side Deck is really up to you and you can side other cards depending on your style.
Instead of playing a control based "protect the Shi En" grind game , you're playing a balls to the wall "kill them before they kill me" aggro game.
Cards like Double-Edged Sword Technique have become way to slow for the format and are sitting ducks against Inzektors and Chaos Dragons.
Triple Dojo makes the deck really aggressive,gives you quick access to your boss monsters( shit hands like Zanji/Kizan Kageki become playable) and also allows for random OTKs or to search out two of your most important monsters: Spirit and Enishi.
Enishi is a win condition by himself because he bounces opposing monsters, disrupts combos and allows you to attack directly. He's especially deadly against Inzektors.
Spirit helps out against Dragons , because a Shi En equipped with Spirit makes their Pulsars and REDMDs useless.
Triple Dojo works really well with triple Kageki which increases the swarming aspect of the deck and should help you to outspeed and outaggro every other deck in the format.
If they Veiler your Kageki , you can laugh at them and drop a Kizan/Grandmaster afterwards ( and possibly summon Kagemusha to follow up with Synchro Summons if you had Dojo)
Veiler can pose problems to your random OTKs ( Blade Armor,Invoker,etc.) and can negate Shi En, so it's not that bad if Kageki draws out a Veiler.
Triple Kageki also gives you faster access to Enishi through Asceticism.
MST isn't played in the main deck because it will be dead against Dragons game one. Some people don't even play Heavy Storm in this. ( same reason as not playing MST and also because you're going to instantly set every trap card you draw)
CED is just very versatile: You can disrupt their combos, bounce big beatsticks, bounce stallers , clear the field attack for game,etc.
Game 2 you're going to take out Dojos,Kagekis,CEDs,BTH whatever and adapt to your opponents deck to play a slower paced game.
The reason is that they're are going to side in shit like Rai-Oh, Pachy,more traps, etc. which will make your Kagekis and Dojos really subpar.
My side is just an example
Game 3 you can go back to aggro or keep playing control.
That's basically it.
If you have questions about basic Six Sam combos just ask, but I think it shouldn't be hard to figure out how to play the deck.
Also, some of guys you noticed that I've been really inactive lately.
I hardly play anymore because I have other things to do and I pretty much grew tired of the game. I only play for the giggles, if at all.
I consider my "career" to be over, the nigga has to move on and do other things now.
So hopefully some of you noobs will pick up this deck and go kick some butts.
Anyways, peace out.